Health & Safety



• Civil Contingencies Act 2004
• The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
• The Food Safety and Hygiene England Regulations 2013
• The Gas Safety Regulations 1998
• The Hazardous Waste England and Wales Regulations 2005
• Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
• The Health and Safety-First Aid Regulations 1981
• Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
• The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005
• The Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992
• The Health and Safety Regulations 2002
• The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
• Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
• The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992. Amended
regulations 2002.


1. To describe the arrangements adopted by Bloomsbury Surveyors to ensure it
fulfils its legal duties and health and safety obligations.
2. To identify the roles and outline individual responsibilities within Bloomsbury
Surveyors for the effective management and monitoring of the requirements
of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and its subordinate legislation.
3. To support Bloomsbury Surveyors in meeting the following Key Lines of
Enquiry Safe S2-How are the risks to people assessed. How is the
persons safety managed and monitored to enable the person to stay safe
and have their freedom respected? Safe S6- When things go wrong are
improvements applied and lessons learnt from the experience? Well-Led
W2 Does the Governance Framework make sure that the responsibilities
are transparent and that risks and regulatory needs, and quality
performance are acknowledged, managed, and understood? Well-Led
W4 How does the service improve, learn, innovate, and make sure that
sustainability is met?

Bloomsbury Surveyors

4. To support Bloomsbury Surveyors to meet the following Quality
Standards: QSS4: Involving people in risk management QSS5: Safe
environments QSS1: Learning culture QSW5: Governance, management,
and sustainability QSW7: Learning improvement and innovation.
5. To meet the legal requirements of the regulated activities that Bloomsbury
Surveyors is registered to provide following and complying to the above


1. Bloomsbury Surveyors has a written statement of general policy, as
required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which is reviewed

2. This policy and procedure is implemented along with all the health and
safety policies, procedures and supporting documentation at Bloomsbury

1. Bloomsbury Surveyors understand that it has a duty to ensure reasonable
precautions are in place to deliver, and maintain working conditions that are
safe, healthy and comply with all statutory requirements and codes of
practice relating to its activities.

2. Statement of Intent

Bloomsbury Surveyors understands and accepts responsibilities placed on it as an
employer by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other relevant legislation.
Bloomsbury Surveyors knows that a safe and healthy working environment is
essential to achieve a safe, high-quality service. Bloomsbury Surveyors provides a
safe working environment for its employee’s and people who work on its behalf.

Bloomsbury Surveyors will deliver and maintain a healthy and safe working
environment to minimise the number of times occupational accidents, incidents,
illnesses and near misses occur. Through the implementation of the Health and
Safety Policy, Bloomsbury Surveyors is committed to the objectives outlined below:

• To deliver, as far as reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy working
environment, safe premises and facilities for employee’s, client’s,
contractors, and other people who work on its behalf.
• Keeping the workplace in a safe condition and will provide adequate
facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.
• The provision and maintenance of equipment and systems of work that
are safe.
• Put arrangements in place to ensure safety in connection with using,
handling, storing and transport of articles and substances.

Bloomsbury Surveyors

• Providing information, instructions, training, and supervision as is
necessary to make sure the health and safety at work is in place for its
staff and other people.
• Health and safety policy, standards and management systems including
procedures and instructions will be defined, documented, implemented,
and maintained.
• Creating for staff, as far as is practicable, a working environment where
potential work-related stress is avoided, reduced, or mitigated through
good management practices, effective human resources policies and staff
• Ensuring, as far as reasonably possible, that risks associated with travel
by employees for Bloomsbury Surveyors are appropriately managed.
• Making sure that employees are aware of their health and safety
responsibilities and understand what is expected of them and what they
must do to discharge the responsibilities assigned to them.
• Providing appropriate training and development to employees that enable
them to discharge competently the responsibilities assigned to them.
• Having an effective system for communicating and consulting on health
and safety matters and securing the co-operation of employees, clients,
and commissioners in implementing the Health and Safety
• Policy and Procedure
• To have arrangements in place to plan, implement, monitor, and review
measures to address risks coming from the activities of Bloomsbury
• To strive to continually improve the health and safety performance at
Bloomsbury Surveyors
• Ensuring the appointment of a competent person to support Bloomsbury
Surveyors in meeting its statutory health and safety duties.
• To provide sufficient resources with which Bloomsbury Surveyors can
effectively discharge their duties in maintaining a healthy and safe working
environment for all that work in the premises of Bloomsbury Surveyors

Bloomsbury Surveyors reviews its health and safety systems, policies, and
procedures as often as necessary and at least once a year, to make sure that they
mirror legal responsibilities associated with applicable:

l Health and safety law, regulations, approvals, licences, and other legal
l International, national, and regional standards
l Industry codes and best practice
l Contractual requirements

Bloomsbury Surveyors

l Expectations of regulators and other key stakeholders
Systems and procedures are made available to all working for and on behalf
of Bloomsbury Surveyors, so they are aware of their individual health and
safety obligations.

A health and safety management structure are implemented to support the
delivery of health and safety policies, systems, objectives and targets, to
review health and safety performance and respond to health and safety

Bloomsbury Surveyors are charged with implementing this policy by use of a suitable
safety management system.

We seek and expect the full co-operation and support of Bloomsbury
Surveyors to ensure that the Health and Safety Policy and the arrangements that are
put in place to support the objectives of the policy are implemented effectively.

We will have daily responsibility for ensuring compliance with this policy.
The Health and Safety Policy ‘Statement of Intent’ at Bloomsbury Surveyors
will be ratified and signed by Bloomsbury Surveyors. This signifies the
commitment of Bloomsbury Surveyors to make sure that the successful
management of health and safety is of paramount importance within

Bloomsbury Surveyors

A copy of the Health and Safety Policy ‘Statement of Intent’ is displayed in a
prominent location at Bloomsbury Surveyors and will be reviewed at least

Health and Safety Responsibilities in Bloomsbury Surveyors

• Bloomsbury Surveyors is responsible for safety in Bloomsbury
Surveyors and monitors the Health and Safety Policy and
Procedure on a regular basis.
• Bloomsbury Surveyors is sufficiently informed on health and safety
matters to ensure that sufficient resources are available to provide
any health and safety equipment, clothing, information, and training
for all staff in order, as far as is reasonably practicable, to achieve
and maintain a high health and safety standards.

Safety Officer

Bloomsbury Surveyors

The Safety Officers, unless stated otherwise by a notice on
the main noticeboard of Bloomsbury Surveyors. The responsibilities of the
safety officer are to:

• Maintain safety records.
• Ensure that employee and Client risk assessments are in place,
proportionate and up to date.
• Investigate accidents, incidents and near misses, with a view to the
prevention of future occurrences.
• Record and monitor accident, incident and near miss statistics.
• Keep a watching brief on changing safety legislation.
• Report directly to Bloomsbury Surveyors on matters of
health and safety.
• Make sure that the obligations of Bloomsbury Surveyors with respect to
assessment, control and monitoring of hazardous substances are met.
• Ensure that the recording of specified incidents is carried out in
accordance with RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 2013, by ensuring that the Accident and Incident
Reporting Policy and Procedure is followed and that all accidents are
recorded, using the form attached to that policy.

Team Manager
Where there are no designated team managers, will fulfil the
role. Team managers have the responsibility to provide leadership and to
promote responsible attitudes towards health and safety.

A team manager will:
• Ensure that each new staff member is given induction training,
including the precautions and procedures appropriate to their specific
jobs. All new members of staff will be shown the location of first aid
boxes, fire exits and firefighting equipment.
• Keep up to date with health and safety matters applicable to the
operations of Bloomsbury Surveyors
• Investigate all accidents with the assistance , with a
view to the prevention of further occurrences.
• Ensure that good housekeeping standards are applied.
• Carry out regular safety checks and audits.

Supervisors have a responsibility to deliver leadership while promoting
responsible attitudes towards health and safety. Supervisors must make sure

Bloomsbury Surveyors

that all tasks carried out in their sections are done so with maximum regard
for the health and safety of all those involved.
Accidents must be reported immediately. Regard will be paid

l Equipment and its use to ensure that it is safe and does not endanger
l The provision of safety arrangements for the handling, storage and
movement of materials, equipment, and substances
l Supplying information, instructions, training, and supervision that is
sufficient to enable staff to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their
own health and safety at work.
l Inspecting, on a regular basis, equipment such as lighting, passageways,
fire alarms, fire escapes, fire extinguishers, first aid facilities and work
practices, to ensure their efficiency and maintenance.
l Ensuring that staff and visitors are aware of emergency procedures, and
that Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs), if required, are
written, and practised.

All staff have duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and

l Do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves, other staff
members and others affected by their actions at work
l Follow company procedures and must report any incidents which have
or may have led to injury or damage. To neglect this responsibility can
lead to prosecution by the Health and Safety Executive
l Inform their line manager of any work situation where there is a serious
and/or immediate danger to staff and to identify any shortcomings in
the health and safety arrangements for protecting staff and others.
l Report any conflict between the demands of safety and their job and
raise the matter immediately with their manager.
l Check that work areas and equipment are safe before use and use any
work equipment in accordance with the training and instructions
provided, notify the managers of any defective equipment which may
cause an incident.
l Dress appropriately and in line with the Appearance Policy and
Procedure for their work environment and their activities.
l To follow the Lone Working Policy and report any personal safety
concerns to Bloomsbury Surveyors
l Ensure the system at Bloomsbury Surveyors for reporting incidents,
accidents and other health and safety risks are understood, and that

Bloomsbury Surveyors

the systems are used when necessary and to make sure that they
have read, understood, and will follow the appropriate health and
safety policies, procedures, and other documentation at Bloomsbury
Surveyors, and attend scheduled training sessions.

Health and Safety Poster
Bloomsbury Surveyors will display a Health and Safety Poster and ensure it is
kept up to date. as the Health and Safety Officer/s, will have
their name clearly displayed.

First Aid

Bloomsbury Surveyors have undertaken an assessment of first aid needs and
provided sufficient equipment and suitably trained personnel accordingly at
Bloomsbury Surveyors


Risk and Hazard Management l Risk assessments will be carried out to evaluate
and control hazards, to make sure the health, safety and welfare of staff and others
who may be affected by the work activities of Bloomsbury Surveyors
Risk assessments will be documented on the appropriate Bloomsbury
Surveyors document in accordance with the Risk Assessment Policy and

Procedure at Bloomsbury Surveyors

l Arrangements are in place for putting into practice the preventative and
protective measures that follow on from the risk assessment.
l Risk assessments will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to
ensure they stay suitable and sufficient. They are updated in
accordance with legislative and contractual requirements, standards,
and codes of practice.
l The outcomes of the risk assessments will be available and delivered
to the employees. Staff are given instructions and training associated
with the level of risk identified and the control measures taken to
prevent or control risks.
l Clients and staff are involved in the development of risk assessments
and Bloomsbury Surveyors will request their feedback and act on any
l Risk assessments in relation to clients will be kept in the clients’
documents and staff informed of their location

Accident and Incident Reporting

l In the event of an accident or/incident, employees will make sure that a
detailed description of the event is documented on an accident form and
will notify their line manager who will subsequently determine, in
conjunction with the Health and Safety Committee at, Bloomsbury

Bloomsbury Surveyors

Surveyors where appropriate, if notification is required under The
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
l (RIDDOR) 2013
l Where an accident or incident has occurred, it is highly important to
review the risk assessment of the task being undertaken at the time, to
determine if additional precautions, and/or an amendment to the method
of work or additional control measures are needed. This must be noted
down and the conclusions defined and acted upon
l As a learning organisation, Bloomsbury Surveyors will use the
information to prevent a reoccurrence, where practicable within reason.

Monitoring Compliance and Effectiveness

Managers will provide ongoing monitoring to make sure the employees are
compliant with the policy, with any observation for improvement given to
us for review.

The policy document will be reviewed by Bloomsbury
Surveyors on an annual basis. The effectiveness of this policy will also be
monitored by the Health and Safety Committee at Bloomsbury Surveyors.

This review can include:
l Audit
l Risk assessment.
l Systematic inspections
l Incident and accident statistics
l Sickness and ill health
l Risk registers.

Items identified as requiring amendment will be referred for authorisation
before being actioned to Bloomsbury Surveyors who is responsible for health
and safety on behalf of Bloomsbury Surveyors
Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

Bloomsbury Surveyors will make sure that employees have access to the
Health and Safety Policies at Bloomsbury Surveyors via online systems.
Bloomsbury Surveyors and all staff will undertake an induction day/day which
will involve the Health and Safety training, policies, and procedures.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is responsible for enforcing the law
and regulations on occupational safety and health. It provides guidance,
conducts inspections, and can impose sanctions, fines, or prosecutions if
breaches occur.